creative 1975

My Veggie Venture

In Non-Fiction on August 14, 2012 at 2:16 pm

Reap what you sow… It’s an idea that can be taken philosophically, religiously or scientifically.

I have been getting familiar with sustainable living these past few months. I’ve started growing vegetables in the garden—I thought I’d start off small (with the current season) and ‘grow’ bigger as I gain more time and experience.

My husband had already bought me a book all about growing vegetables in New Zealand and gave it to me for Christmas… I’m pleased to report that’s not the only gift he gave to me! He also got to work on building a couple of raised beds for me to start with.  First of all I skimmed through the book to find out what I could sow in the month of April and decided to begin my veggie venture with: lettuce, broccoli and cauliflower—all sustenance in our current diet, however, my daughter wouldn’t agree… lettuce in sandwiches, acceptable; broccoli is yuck, do I have to? —And cauliflower, if it is in a cheese sauce!

I bought the seeds and sowed them in growing tray and placed them inside a small put-together mini greenhouse on the veranda, and waited for approximately six weeks—patiently— for them to grow into small plants. I wanted them to be of a reasonable maturity to avoid replanting ‘shock’. Yes, apparently plants can suffer with shock. Not as much shock as I encountered when they grew—silly of me I know! But, I was anxious that they wouldn’t grow—it’s been known for me to kill of many house plants.

I’ve took good care of them and covered them over with a frost cover as it’s been winter and we can often have frosty mornings, albeit the sun always shines on these days, but I also wanted to keep the birds off my crop!

‘The first lettuce ready to eat’

We are now eating the lettuces and reaping what I’ve sown. The brassica family—cauliflower and broccoli—will take much longer yet; though we won’t manage to eat all of them, conversely  I will be making lots of soup, which is another good reason to ‘grow my own’ because I often make hearty soups.

The next project will be chickens and I’ve heard that their droppings make a great fertiliser!

  1. One day i will have a garden of my own and then i plan to do the same … growing onions would be my priority … then potatoes and tomatoes. When Nathan is older he can help. I hope you are getting some help too 🙂

    • That sounds great and Nathan would love it… I wish I’d done it when my girl was little as they are much more interested when they’re small. Potatotes and tomatoes are on my list when the season is right to sow the seeds, but onions are pretty cheap. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  2. My sister has a garden in boxes. She grows lettuce, cukes, tomatoes. Makes salsa nearly every year. She always has a couple of chickens in the yard, too. Mainly for the eggs. I have always had a black thumb, but I am inspired anew every spring to try and try again. Thanks for your instructive blogging! Dawn dish soap has created a new fragrance called New Zealand Springs Scent…. I have purchased it in your honor and think of your blog each evening as I wash the dishes!

    • At least you give it a go! Pleased to hear that you like my blog and the soap sounds great! I will have to have a look on-line and see if I can see it… I’m intrigued. Hope you have a good weekend. The sun is shining here in New Zealand, may be we are approaching Spring at last. PS. We also have some hens that I will be writing about soon!

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